

Midterm Teaching Quality Survey Notification for second semester of the 111 academic year
一、 本學期期中問卷施測時間112年03月27日(第7週)開始填答,填答進行至112年04月09日止(第8週)。
二、 請學生在這段期間登入校務資訊系統,登入後點選右邊教學輔助作業的「教學意見調查表」系統,透過問題勾選和輸入文字,表達對教師教學的回饋意見。自第9週起教師則可透過「教學意見調查表」系統查詢學生的意見結果,以做為教學改進之參考。
三、 本期中問卷主要目的是為了讓同學於學期中能及時反映對課程的意見,提供授課教師及開課單位做為改進之參考。問卷採匿名方式進行,調查結果不會用來考核教師教學成效,更不會影響同學的成績。請同學依據目前上課的經驗據實回答問題。
四、 若您對系統中意見調查的內容格式或操作使用有任何疑問,請電洽教學資源中心陳小姐,分機3189。

Dear students,
Please note that the routine "Teaching Quality Survey" in this semester should be answered before April 9, 2023.
Feedback Questionnaire of courses will help instructors to improve their teaching.
For students, please log in the campus information system during this period, and click on the “teaching quality survey” on the right side. You can express your opinions or give feedbacks to the quality of teaching of your courses. The responses of individual students will not be identifiable in any reports. The results will be revealed to teachers in the ninth week for them to improve their teaching in the remaining of the semester.
If you have any questions, please contact Center for Instructional Resources 03-2118800#3189 or yychen@ mail.cgu.edu.tw.
Thank you.